The Value of a Mentor


  • You can’t do it alone. 
  • This is marathon and not a sprint
  • Yes you’re young… But what are you trying to prove. 

These are all phrases that I heard from a guy two days ago that has been in my shoes. He has already walked down the path that I am just starting on. And if I’ll slow down and recognize his foot prints… It’s a path that will lead me to longevity and success. 

I have several people in my life that speak into me. From my father and old Youth Pastor to CNO’s of the Navy and State Judges. And I am truly grateful for what each one brings to my life. 

A Mentor is someone who is on your team and truly wants to see you succeed. Whether that be through accolades or tough love. 

Here are 3 reasons why you need a Mentor:

1. You aren’t as smart as you think you are!

My grandfather used to tell me “If you’re the smartest person at the table… You’re at the wrong table!” Most of us think we are highly intelligent people. And we are. But we all make stupid decisions from time to time. And yes… We do learn from our mistakes. 

But there are people out there who have already made that mistake and are willing to give you a map of how to go around it! You don’t have to make the same mistake others have made. Learn from them. It will save you a lot of heart ache and trouble. 

2. You aren’t as dumb as you think you are either!

Yes we make stupid mistakes. But there are many times where we get things right! In those moments it’s vital to have someone there to celebrate with you. If you hit the game winning shot and turn around to realize you’re alone… That sucks. 

Mentors are there to correct you when you’re wrong… But also there to celebrate with you when you get it right. They are there to guide you along the way… But also to cheer you across the finish line. We all need someone on our side to remind us that we are smart and competent and can get through the situation. 

3. You can’t handle life alone!

Let’s face it. Life is tough. We have good moments. We have bad moments. But we don’t have to face those moments alone. Mentors are there to listen. They aren’t just there to give advice or tell you what you’re doing wrong. They are always willing to listen to you and just be. 

Everyone in life needs those people. To guide and direct. To cheer you on. To listen no matter what. 

Find that guy!

Brandon Hester