I Was Born For This


Exodus 4:22-23

22 Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the Lord says: Israel is my firstborn son, 23 and I told you, “Let my son go, so he may worship me.”

This coming weekend is Super Bowl Sunday! One of the greatest days of the year for sports fans. Many will wear their team colors, throw massive parties, and cheer as loud as possible for the team they love. Or maybe others this weekend will attend a concert of their favorite band. As soon as the band takes the stage, people will begin to shout and cheer as loud as they can.

Both sports fans and concert goers will cheer without being prompted. They didn’t have to take a class on how to cheer. It is something inside of them that just comes out. They can’t help themselves. The joy and excitement they feel in that moment…it overtakes them. They can no longer remain silent! They must shout!

What I have just described to you is something called Worship. And it’s something we were all born to do!

You see… worship is the act of ascribing value to anything or anyone. Everything on this earth was created to worship God. And there is only one party that can opt out of this. Us. You and me. Many of us choose to worship our careers, performances, addictions, and even our children. Our lives literally orbit around these things because we have placed so much value on them. And while they are important… We were never meant to become slaves to them.

We see an interaction with Moses and God in Exodus 4. God is telling Moses to go to Pharaoh and demand that he lets his people go. But God didn’t want his people free just for freedom’s sake. It’s the same for us. God’s intention for our lives was to live in freedom, not enslaved by anything or anyone, so we could worship Him! Seven times the phrase “Let my people go” is used… and seven times it’s followed by “So they may worship me.’

We were created to worship God… and we are never more ourselves than when we are doing just that! 

Today I want to encourage you to take a few moments and worship. Ascribe value to this God you serve. Let him know he is the most important thing in your life. What you must understand… you are either in the process of being rescued… or have already been rescued… and there is a reason to worship!

You were born for this!

Brandon Hester